
The customer is allowed to change date and subject of the order up to 3 days before pick up. According to § 18 FAGG Ausnahmen vom Rücktrittsrecht Abs. 1 Z. 10 „Dienstleistungen, die im Zusammenhang mit Freizeitbetätigungen erbracht werden“ there is no right of withdrawal.

The cancellation is only possible due to illnes, injury or other serious reasons.

Note for part cancellation:

Use the form field "your message" and inform us about the products or people who should be cancelled.

Note for refound of prepaid rents

  • Paid by credit card or Paypal:
    The amount will be returned on your credit card.
  • Paid by KLARNA (bank transfer): In this case we ask you to send us your bank details (IBAN, BIC or SWIFT code, name of the bank) so we can transfer your refound as soon as possible. Use the form field "your message".

Thank you!


medical certificate

Die mit einem * markierten Felder sind Pflichtfelder.